Game Night: Belcher Family Food Fight


Game Night: Belcher Family Food Fight

Number of Players: 3-6

Ages: 8 and up

Play time: Quick

Price: Under $20 on Amazon


  • Six “dinner plates” - All character-specific playing mats

  • One mat for the grill, to be placed in the center

  • A whole bunch of burger ingredient pieces - Buns, patties, cheese, lettuce, and tomato

  • 13 “golden spatula” round winner indicators

  • Three different dice per player - one for ingredient, one for number of ingredients, and one for the direction



Each player can choose a dinner plate mat. Divvy the ingredient pieces equally among players. Once someone yells FOOD FIGHT, each player simultaneously rolls their set of dice to determine which ingredient they’re tossing where, and how many. Be the first to clear your plate and receive a golden spatula! Collect three and you win. Or keep going, who cares! It’s fun!


Basically this game is the chaotic energy I’ve been craving in a board game for my entire life. Each round lasts as long as it takes for everyone to be screaming and chanting to themselves, which leaves every player pondering that they’re actually insane.

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First things first: the quality of the pieces is really great. They’re made of layered cardboard, probably about 6mm thick. It would be hard to bend any of it. Also, the surface texture is pretty nice and soft too. I spent longer than I realized just rubbing my hands all over my mat. 


Moments before the start of the game, you’re feeling good. You’re feeling powerful. You’re thinking, “how hard could it be to clear my plate?” Then suddenly, all you know is panic. You suddenly forget which way is left, and you cannot identify the lettuce in your plate to save your life. And this is your life now for the next few minutes. You’re down to your last two patties, then both people in your peripherals throw three pieces each onto your plate. You involuntarily yell “OH GOD!” and you must keep rolling those damn dice. You repeat this until someone else wins. Or, you’ve somehow kept quiet enough to earn yourself a spatula. 


And that’s it for the round. You must divvy up those ingredients and try again. This game is hell if hell was purely a mental thing and only your brain is on fire. I think they should play this game at every retirement home to keep the patients truly sharp. Forget chess, let’s food fight!

Some helpful hints for you: try your best to keep quiet, don’t actually throw the ingredients at other people (that’ll slow down both of you), use the grill as a location when you get to choose, and roll the dice in a way that doesn’t make them spread out all over the place. I’ve acquired these techniques after about a thousand unsuccessful rounds. Trust me!

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This game is fast paced, really fun, like seriously the most fun I’ve had in a while, very original, quick, cheap, and high quality. I can’t think of any downsides of playing this. If you love Bob’s Burgers, or even if you’ve never seen it, I highly recommend this during your next game night. And here’s a fun idea: involve alcohol next time. Drink every time you roll a beef patty or something. This might be a bad idea, but don’t come for me!