Welcome to the 3rd and last installment of Summer Snacks 2021! It's been a great season for snacks, there are so many I haven't been able to get but I do feel we hit some good ones. Yeah... we still have a solid month of summer but have you noticed the insane amount of new Halloween junk hitting shelves? Half of August is gone... I've found a good portion of heavy hitting new Halloween candy for the season already just a week ago. So.. without anything further, let's break this last batch of goodies down!



If you know me, by now you probably know how excited I get over fruity cereal anything. And if you don't, here's your notice. When these, and a few others, leaked on the gram all over the big junk food pages I about died. Kit Kat is making some serious moves and, as far as I can tell, there is no stopping.

Judging by the picture, these should taste like Froot Loops which is dominant orange flavored but I've seen many say these are more towards Fruity Pebbles which is more towards the lemon spectrum. They are a white chocolate covered fruity cereal flavored Kit Kat with fruity cereal bits sprinkled throughout. In my opinion, they're definitely more towards Fruity Pebbles which is fine by me; Fruity Pebbles have always been my first choice.

The packaging is sick! I love that they decided to use hot pink; the bowl of cereal really pops against it. I give these bad boys a solid 9 out of 10. What will be next? Perhaps Kit Kat flavored fruity cereal? Then you could mix your Kit Kat flavored fruity cereal with your fruity cereal flavored Kit Kats and make a meme with Xzibits picture next to it.



I went back and forth and back again at least a dozen times before committing to buying this thing. I love Swedish Fish but the Swedish Fish smoothie from Sheetz seemed a little too far out. I've had gummy snacks in frozen treats before like the Sour Patch Kids Blizzard from DQ a few years back. The problem is the gummy part becomes to tough and chewy leaving you kind of at a loss texture wise. Soft ice cream texture and hard chewy gummy snacks don't really mix well. And the same can honestly be said for this guy.


They must not have received many orders for this; I could hear a very audible "Damn! This is red as hell!" behind the counter and holy shit were they right! This thing looked red in the advertisement but it's even more vile looking in person.

The Swedish Fish smoothie consists of a vanilla ice cream base blended with ice, Swedish Fish syrup, Swedish Fish bits, Swedish Fish gummies, topped with whipped cream and more Swedish Fish bits and gummies. It's an 8th world wonder as to how I'm still alive with that much sugar coursing through my body.


As I mentioned above; the textures are so contrasting that it makes for a weird combo. Plus, the straw is so small that the bigger chunks of bits, candy pieces and ice didn't make consumption much easier. I opted for the handy dandy spoon. The flavor? It's Swedish Fish alright.

Going with a 5 out of 10 for this guy. It was okay but I would still rather just have a bag of Swedish Fish.



I cannot remember when I bought this but it certainly wasn't during the summer. I actually almost forgot about it but, since I didn't review it then, I will now!


Originally, I saw ads for the Dole Pink Glow pineapple, a fruit that took 15 years to genetically modify with pink, less acidic innards, online for about $50 a piece and more and I remember saying "this is one of those things that will simply be untouchable for a DemBoys review." Months later, cruising the produce aisles at a local Martins, I find them for $15 a piece. I didn't even want to pay that much but I really wanted to see what this was all about. I might not get another chance if they sell out or start price gouging. So, I took a calculated risk and snagged one.


I'll start by saying, this is good but it's still just a pineapple; nothing more. Yeah, it's a lot less acidic but it's not enough for me to tell everyone to run out right this second and buy a pineapple that is like 80% more expensive than the rest. Plus, it looks like ham... which actually put me in a weird mindset.

I can't go higher than a 4 out of 10. For something that took 15 years to produce, it is interesting but it didn't live up to the hype. In other words, I cannot justify spending $50, or even $15, on it.



Ok, we got a doozy here; and yes, these are 100% real.. What we have here cannot be bought in the US. These Hubba Bubba inspired Bubble Gum Flavored M&Ms come straight from Australia. I assume in the middle of battling giant man eating spiders, the Strayans decided normal M&Ms weren't brutal enough for consumption thus bubblegum mixed with chocolate would better suffice.


I'll admit, I bought these strictly to say that I have M&Ms with Hubba Bubba on the packaging. These aren't exactly the M&Ms your grandma reaches for; these are the M&Ms you buy for a quick social media reaction post and that's about it in my opinion.

The flavor is strange, to say the least, but accurate. I get hints of cherry, almost like a cordial cherry but I also get that bubblegum taste that I, for some reason, keep confusing for artificial banana. It's, again, strange and not something I can eat a lot of in one sitting... or much ever for that matter.

In conclusion, these weren't great to eat but are exactly what they claim to be.. 9 out of 10 on accuracy but 4 out of 10 enjoyability. It's an insane idea and this was probably executed the best way possible. What will be next; orange juice and toothpaste flavored M&Ms? I snagged these from Pops Exotics online so, if you're at all interested in trying them, head there now!



This must be the year of Lay's potatoes chips seeing how we have 6 brand new flavors just in the summertime alone (3 of which we talked about earlier here). The latest three are some of the most ambitious yet; chips pretending to be other chips.


Doritos Cool Ranch

I was most excited about these and they didn't disappoint. At first, they come off as a sour cream and onion chip, which isn't the worst thing to happen. But the more I ate, the more I "got it." These totally have that Doritos Cool Ranch vibe going on. It's, obviously, missing that corn chip aspect but it works really well!

Funyuns Onion

I thought, out of the 3, these would be an easy win. Let me say, the flavor is indeed there but it is so slight that you have to smash like 10 chips at once to really pick up on it.


Cheetos Cheese

At first bite, these were just cheddar Lay's, a lot how I felt about the Dorito Lay's. Once you get one that is covered real good like this triumphant bastard below, it's Cheeto heaven! These are the winner, for me; complete with Cheeto dust fingers!


I rank these from best to worst; Cheetos, Doritos, Funyuns. As a whole, I have to go 9 out of 10! O felt that these were pretty ambitious and, relatively, spot on.

This concludes our Summer Snacks of 2021 thread! Halloween/Fall seasonal snacks are soon to follow so keep your eyes open for a pile of new goodies! As always, thanks for reading!