Cheetos Sweetos Review!


While everyone is probably in doors, hopefully avoiding the dreaded coronavirus, here is another food review to keep you occupied (for a few seconds). Today, we have the not so new (but obviously seasonal) "Sweetos" Cinnamon flavored Eggs from Cheetos!

Cheetos, to me, are one of the better snacks in the "mostly air in a bag" category. Cinnamon seems to be as far as the company is willing to reach out of their comfort zone while companies like Herr's gave us blue Cotton Candy flavored puffs (as well as a blue surprise in the toilet the next day). But, it's safe to say, cinnamon works for them enough as they bring this flavor out for Easter and again in the winter with a totally different theme.


The cinnamon flavor is perfect; not too strong but also not too faint. And it's a warm, sweet, and even sorta buttery cinnamon flavor. It's like biting into a fresh buttery cinnamon stick.... with a crunch. These things feel a lot lighter than the typical cheese puffs and practically melt in your mouth instantly. The shape of these are more like skeletal remains of beetles rather than playful easter eggs which is fine... eggs are boring anyways.

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I easily give these a 9 out of 10! They're delicious without the added anxiety worrying about my insides due to massive amounts of food coloring. I found these at Walmart. If you're out on an emergency food re-up, pick yourself up a bag while staying a safe 6 ft distance away from everyone else. Thanks for reading!