HOLY SMOKES! We made it! part 4 of holiday snacks. I can almost feel the diabetus slowly taking over. No, really, a lot of this stuff goes to my job after I consume like one or two for review. I assure you my health is in check. Let’s get into it!


Okay, so, I have a love hate with gingerbread. I love the idea of gingerbread cookies but my experience is that gingerbread cookies are the type of cookies that break your teeth... are they supposed to be hard as rocks or are the ones I'm sampling made by amateurs? Either way, who needs em when you can buy cookies from Keebler?

These gingerbread flavored Fudge Stripe cookies have a very intense gingerbread flavor balanced out by white fudge creme drizzled on top as well as a thick layer of it underneath; all of the good with none of the bad texture.

Tell Gram to leave the oven alone and buy these instead because they're amazing. Throwing these a solid 8 out of 10.


Remember during Halloween we had those adorable glow in the dark colored ghost DOTS? Well, they're back for more with these super festive Christmas versions!

At first I thought the idea was "Christmas lights" but the more I look the more I'm confused but still somehow very stoked about them. The package says cherry, lime and vanilla flavored gumdrops but its more like cherry/vanilla and lime/vanilla flavored gumdrops; the white tops are totally vanilla. They're both great tasting but that cherry is fire. It's like a cherry vanilla Coke and I can't stop eating them! It's rare for me to enjoy gumdrop candies but these are pretty great.

Another solid 8 out of 10 for these guys.


One strange thing I'm seeing often this year is the addition of Rudolph stuff (the classic claymation movie). Rudolph Snack Mix is no exception.

This stuff is pretty fail safe. You have salty pretzels, roasted peanuts and wannabe Reese's in the shapes of Rudolph, Santa and Sam the snow man. So, chocolate, peanut butter, nuts and pretzels; a sweet and salty mix with adorable shaped chocolates... it's a no brainer.

Giving Rudolph snack mix a 10 out of 10. I need a bigger bag asap!


I really don't like Whoppers much... or, at least, that's what 5 year old me says who had them the first and last time I tried them. Perhaps vanilla Whoppers pretending to be snowballs can change my mind?

Ok, they're not as bad as I thought they were, or maybe it's the sweet vanilla creme coating outside tricking me. I think I hated the airyness of them as a kid as well.... which isn't all that bad now days for some reason. Was I wrong all these years?

It's interesting to see that 2 different candies did the "snowball" thing this year but I'd say these are a winner. I'll throw these an 8 out of 10.


How do you turn a "healthy" popcorn snack into garbage? Add sugary cereal pieces to the mix. Of course! It's probably triple the calories (or not, not sure) of regular Smartfood mixes but who gives a shit when the bag is this damn pretty?

It's your typical "healthy" popcorn but with green and red Cap'n Crunch berries added which is festive as all heck but the flavors clash way too much for me liking. Something just instead appetizing with salty popcorn and fruity cereal. I already made a popcorn garland this year but this almost had me ambitious enough to make more.... I didn't, of course. I've got like 5 more articles to write and the season is practically already over, lay off me.

I have to give Merry Berry Popcorn Mix a 6 out of 10. It's festive enough but, meh... I really can't get into this particular flavor combo.


I love that coal is one of those things that is still being played on with some junk food. While most I'm familiar with are either chocolate or bubblegum, it's nice to see a fresh take on the idea from Sour Patch Kids.

They're black raspberry flavored and covered in classic sour patch dust. They're delicious and slightly sour as most of their lineup is but the dust has them looking slightly prettier in this black gummy form; almost like a small geode.

8 out of 10 for these guys.

And that is it folks! There are a very VERY few other goodies I didn't find or manage to squeeze into these reviews but gaahhhdayumn, I'd say we covered a strong lineup! Perhaps even bigger than Halloween this year and there were A TON for that season as well. I had a lot of fun with this year's junk food in general and I'll be interested to see it topped next year. Thanks for following along!