The Batman Little Caesars Pizza!

The Batman Little Caesars Pizza!

Derek Laganelli

1996 called - it wants it’s Batman fast food promo back. No seriously for those of you who didn’t know, the upcoming 2022 film “The Batman” starring Robert Battinson just got the most 90s promo ever in the form of a Little Caesars bat shaped pizza!

We’ve been having a lot of arguments here at DemBoys HQ over it too, by the way. You see, I personally think they did a really good job translating the Bat logo to an actual edible, mass produced & easily reproducible pizza. Is it a perfect recreation? By no means, but I still think it gets the job done. Grimey on the other hand has called it everything from a flightless arctic bird, to a maxi-pad. Haters gonna hate.

The box is also something special, and a little bit more palatable for the art critics in the house. I absolutely love how the orange & black play together here, dare I say it’s almost Halloweeny? I dare. The cityscape of an overly cartoony Gotham city is chef’s kiss and if you look closely, you can see a Little Caesar himself lurking in the shadows.

You know what the absolute best thing about this promo is though? The custom animation that Little Caesars made specifically for their app. Now when you go to place an order, the same artwork found on the pizza box springs to life, and a swarm of bats fill your phone screen before revealing a cheesy spotlight looming over Gotham City - enticing you to order the new Calzony.

I know in the near future I can expect a lot of millenials to start screeching on Twitter “IT AINT GOT NOTHIN ON THE BATMAN FOREVER MUGS, OUR GENERATION WAS SO MUCH BETTERRRR” - but to that I say, when did McDonald’s ever try making their food LOOK like Batman? I get it, nostalgia is one hell of a drug, but let's take those rose tinted glasses off for a second and appreciate what we do have while its here!