

Hope everyone is staying safe and enjoying your December! Here are some old Christmas commercials that I searched around for on YouTube to share some words about. Commercials are like a gateway back to our childhoods, and among some of my favorites are those of the Christmas variety. Here are a few I personally enjoy that bring me back to simpler times. In fact, all of these that I'm about to share made it onto that one Christmas VHS my family compiled back in the day. Enjoy!


(YOUTUBE USER: PastMeetsPresent)

First off, I'll always remember 7-Up being fronted by anthropomorphic red dots with sunglasses and Mickey Mouse gloves. This is only one of a few different commercials the Spots appeared in during Christmas but arguably my fondest memory of them.

In this commercial, we see two Spots chiseling a glass of 7-Up out of a block of ice. After the carving is over, they pop a red and white straw in the glass and twist the end like a candy cane and jolly ol' Saint Nicks hand grabs the glass. I remember thinking "how the hell is he going to drink from a straw like that?" The worries of a 3 year old child.

They suggest in this one that 7-Up tastes like the holidays. While I can't argue if that's the case or not much taste wise, 7-Up will always remind me of the holidays thanks to this beautiful commercial.


(YOUTUBE USER: Svetlana Boginskaya)

While this one is sort of..... on the fence of nostalgically sweet and unsettlingly creepy, I'm still including it. Back when Bill Cosby wasn't such a touchy subject, he was featured in the commercial world by violently wiggling Jell-O cut outs in front of the camera. It's more about the happenings than it is about Cosby being there that intrigued me the most.

Unfortunately, I didn't come from a family that put cookies and milk out for Santa or veggies for his reindeer as a kid to begin with but the idea of using cookie cutters and making Santa wiggly fruit flavored Christmas shapes was kind of a neat toss up. I love that they didn't choose to make just Christmas colored shapes and included blue and yellow Jell-O in the mix. All I want for Christmas is a glass cleaner blue colored jiggler in the shape of a gingerbread man.


(YOUTUBE USER: Jen Wolford)

I had almost completely forgotten about this one. Thankfully, I was reacquainted to it after binge watching one of the few thousand 1 hour long Christmas commercial compilations on YouTube.

An elf has approached Santa with the news of a new job offer and Santa wants to know what he can do to change his mind. Not a raise or a company sled, but Santas $1.99 basket of Long John Silvers popcorn fish and French fries is what will make him happy enough to stay but Santa simply gives him the slip.

I'm relatively familiar with LJS battered fish but not so much their popcorn fish which, to me, seems like the fish equivalent of Mcnuggets. I like LJS but the idea of passing on a raise and a company vehicle for some measly little deep fried fish bites has me baffled. Either these fish bites were extremely delicious or money at the North Pole is 100/1 USD.



Well, this is my first venture into Christmas commercials, so I feel like it's extra important to get the most iconic and overplayed ones out of the way regardless if you hate hearing them or not. I'm not even sorry about mentioning this one.

You know exactly what it is. It's the commercial that lets you know that the holidays are here the moment it starts playing 1 trillion times a day; the Hershey Kisses We Wish you a Merry Christmas Bells commercial. This thing has been around for 31 years; that's all of the years I've been alive! And it still manages to get me every single time. It's practically childhood of Christmas past in a barely 16 second segment.

I noticed they did a new one but I'm not remotely interested in breaking tradition to see it. I feel very strongly about traditions and we don't mess with them here! The original will always be #1 in my book and I will never tire of it.



And, last but not least, I certainly could not leave out the official soda of the holidays; Coca-Cola! They had a slew of commercials involving their iconic polar bears during the holidays and this one still sticks out the most for me.

I'm assuming the young bears are moving this tree to decorate it, but we never see that in the segment. It never fails, when those fucking bears smile, my heart grows 3 sizes for at least a few moments.

I quit drinking soda years ago, but watching these bears snap open fresh Coca-Cola bottles really brings it all back. You did it, Coca-Cola. Even after 25 years, your commercial still makes me crave sugary brown carbonated liquids.

That's it for now, folks! If you enjoyed what you read, stay tuned! More will surely follow soon. Thanks for reading!

Want to read part 1? Click here.