

"That Fireball Whiskey whispers eggnog into my ears.." or whatever the hell that cringey country band said. That's right! Fireball has gotten their hands deep in the nog this holiday season. I said earlier that I've drank at least 10 gallons worth of eggnog before the season really took off. I'm going to let you guess what portion was made up of Fireball Holiday Nog. Lets get into it!

To start, this is a NON ALCOHOLIC eggnog. However, they do recommend that you mix it with Fireball Whiskey, of course. I haven't yet because, honestly, I don't feel like it needs anything extra as is. At first, I really wasn't sure I even enjoyed this stuff. As was so use to the flavor of Southern Comforts Vanilla Eggnog that my first sip of the Fireball Nog left kind of a bitter taste in my mouth. But after a couple days and trying it again keeping in mind that this wasn't suppose to taste anything like my favorite brand, it quickly became a close tie.


What I love about this stuff is that the Fireball cinnamon flavor (which tastes like Atomic Hot Ball candies) blends perfectly with the eggnog taste that you almost forget its even an eggnog. It's sweet and enjoyable but not so sweet that you're done after the first glass. My only complaint is the thickness. It almost has the mouth feel of milk. What I loved about the SOCO Vanilla Nog is it is super thick; almost like a milkshake consistency and its super creamy. This stuff is a lot less thick but still delicious in every other way. I can only assume it would be even less thick adding alcohol to it.

If you're still guessing how much of the 10 gallons of my eggnog consumption Fireball Holiday Nog is responsible for, it's about 75%. I always have at least 1 uncracked and ready to rock at a moments notice. It's fucking delicious, need I say more? You can get this at Wal-Mart right now if you're interested! As always, thanks for reading!