Welcome to the start of holiday 2021 junk food! Since we are still in Nov, I wanted to touch on a couple items that are a little more on the Thanksgiving side before we hit into the deep Christmas junk.


With the returning Sugar Cookie Toast Crunch comes the brand new Apple Pie Toast Crunch! I debated on doing this one for Halloween but the packaging insists it's a winter cereal judging by those little cartoony cereal pieces with their winter hats, scarves and holly leaves. I'd say it fits well enough with Thanksgiving.

I can't stress this enough, this cereal is bomb! I love apple flavored things in general but this is apple as hell! It's about as apple pie as a cereal can get. I've eaten most of the bag dry and in handfuls but it doesnt diminish at all with milk. The aftertaste legit tastes like I just consumed a real apple pie; it's very convincing.

This boy gets a solid 10 out of 10! It was everything I was hoping for and more.


I wanted to get the Pilgrim from Getgo in for a few years now but never got the opportunity. This year, they brought back the Pilgrim in three different forms and, of course, I got them all. Don't be discouraged by the pictures, by the way; they might not look like the ads but looks aren't everything. You'll see.

I'll start with the OG PILGRIM SUB. This thing, if you don't know, comes with turkey, gravy, melted Wisconsin cheese and cranberry sauce all inside of a "secret recipe" stuffing bread. This thing is everything good about Thanksgiving leftover rolled into one dope sandwich that's sure to satisfy. I've gotten them the past couple years and they never disappoint. Like I said, they don't look much like the photos but who the fuck cares when it tastes this amazing?

The GO BOWL is kind of a game changer, it's nice to have the container if you're driving or sitting in the car or don't feel like eating a sandwich. They put a hefty dollop of cranberry sauce in the middle. This one looks a lot prettier than the first one I got back in October. That thing was sloshed like a murderous cranberry sauce massacre. It's the same stuff as the sub but instead of the stuffing bread there is actual stuffing in the mix. It's a no brainer, of course I dig this.

Now, the GO RITTO is something else! And man... this thing weighs like 20 lbs! I'm amazed; it feels like double the weight of the sub and the bowl…you could legit knock someone out with it. I love the idea of a wrap of carbs surrounding more carbs and more carbs inside of that with gravy, meat and cheese. It's savory, it's sweet; it's Thanksgiving heaven!

I have to give the Pilgrim Trio a 10 out of 10. It's too legit to quit and I cave at least once to it's deliciousness every year. I will say that I still think the sub is the best way to consume the Pilgrim because there is absolutely nothing like that secret recipe stuffing bread!


So, these were part of a giveaway last year. 100 or so lucky winners got these sent to their homes and I wasn't one of them. This year, if you bought them online, they came with 2 exclusive online sauces (a cranberry BBQ and an apple spice something or other). I didn't snag it online for one reason only, the price shipped was a little outrageous. So... no sauces. Sorry folks! Luckily, they made the nuggets available in stores this year for us to sample.

I assumed they wouldn't be much different from frozen chicken nuggets but they're actually considerably different. The texture is a little tougher but not unpleasant and the taste is unmistakably turkey and not chicken. These are coated in a sweet potato seasoned breading and that sweet potato really shines. Oh and the drumstick and turkey shapes are to die for!

I decided to treat this like a mini Thanksgiving dinner with potatoes, stuffing and gravy and I wasn't at all disappointed. It was quick and easy and ultimately tasted pretty good. Not bad for a lazy Sunday afternoon.


This FINALLY got to me at the last minute. I'm talking like literally now just in time for this article. I had to stoop down and get it from eBay since none of the Walmart’s around me were selling them. That's just how things go sometimes. Anyways, these are brand new this year and were suppose to be out for the beginning of the Halloween season which seemed pretty odd to me. They were nowhere to be seen the entire month of October just to be discovered on shelves in select Walmart’s on November first.... which makes a lot more sense to me.

Upon opening the top, you get that strong blast of pumpkin spice; they aren't fucking around over at Nissin. These are EXTREMELY pumpkin. I mean, just look at the amount of pumpkin dust the threw in there! Fill the water to the line, 3 mins in the mic and enjoy... only this particular cup says for an even better pumpkin spice experience, top it off with a dollop of whipped cream after nuking. So, of course I did. I ended up just mixing it in which made it a bit creamier.

The verdict? This isn't half as bad as I assumed it'd be. It's a little on the sweet side but packs enough savory to balance the whole thing out. The whipped cream only adds to the sweetness. Am I itching to get home and have some during a hard day at work? No, not really. It's just another one of those goofy things that I feel everyone should try at least once.

Gonna give this one an 8 out of 10. It's not bad but not something I'm probably ever going to eat again. Good thing I have 5 more of them!

Thanks for reading! Be sure to tune in for more junk food related articles and some nostalgic goodies coming very soon. ALSO, we just wrapped up our Thanksgiving show for The Leftover Pizza Podcast yesterday and it is available now right here in case you missed it! Enjoy and have a Happy Thanksgiving!