RadioShack Black Friday Ad from 2000!

Check Out This Black Friday Ad From 2000

Derek Laganelli

Thanksgiving is cool and all, but we all know that the real star of the show every year is Black Friday. A whole day dedicated to crap I don’t need at a severe discount…sign me up! As I mentioned in the last episode of the Leftover Pizza podcast, I have very fond memories of sitting down on Thanksgiving morning and pouring over all the BF ads in the GIANT newspaper my Dad would bring home. I used to love circling anything and everything I could find that I wanted for Christmas that year.

Anyways enough of my trip down memory lane, if you want more of that just go listen to the episode. I know what you’re all here for…

This RadioShack Newspaper ad from November 23, 2000! At the time of this writing, this ad is 21 years old and in pristine condition! I won’t do much writing from here on out, so sit back and feast your eyes on the real star of the show.

You’re still here? Okay, let’s chat! Here are a few of my favorite things that I would probably sell my soul to have now.


What can I say, I’ve always been a sucker for a shower radio. There’s something so alluring about listening to music while you’re standing in a hot shower, contemplating your life. It also doesn’t hurt that said tunes are coming out of the Yellow M&M, appropriately decked out in snorkeling gear. This is a 10/10 product, and worth every cent of that $19.99.


In the late 90s and early 2000’s, if you were a teen without a translucent colored phone, did you even exist? Idk probably, but it couldn’t have been much of an existence. As a side note, I fully support translucent plastics making their triumphant return in the 2020’s, and I fully expect it to be all the rage within a year.


If the translucent phones were what I wanted as a pre-teen, the Slinky phone is what I want right now, as a 28 year old man. It just has that ‘wow’ factor that we’re missing in todays society, ya feel? And for the low low price of $19.99, too!


I know people still look back fondly on the Jim Carrey Grinch movie, but let me tell you, as a first grader in the year 2000 that movie was ALL the rage at school. I remember there being an all out Grinch craze, and I think it was largely due to this kickass redesign the character got that you can see in the RC car above. If the old Grinch TV special was Led Zepplin, then the millennium Grinch was Blink 18-fuckin-2 baby.

Well I think I’ve rambled on about this two decade old ad long enough. I hope you all enjoyed this trip down memory lane, maybe we’ll do more of these in the future!