A week or so ago, our friend Jennifer Ball, sent us a sweet comic, that she designed, for the purpose of review and, today, we're going to do just that! What we have here is a comic book adaption of the Boy Meets World episode "And Then There was Shawn!" Like most 90s kids, I was a HUGE fan of Boy Meets World; it was a staple in my family's weekly tv rotation back in the day so I'm super stoked for this!

Before I jumped into the contents, I had to revisit the episode; it's been ages since I've watched it and I didn't want to miss out on any details that may or may not have been added to or left out of the comic adaption. The synopsis: Cory, Shawn, Topanga, Angela and Kenny all find themselves locked inside their school with a killer during detention. It's a silly episode with cheesy kills and a twist; it's perfect for the entire family! Also, if you'd like to revisit this episode, Boy Meets World is on Disney+. It's episode 17 on season 5.

I'll say this, the episode itself kind of surprised me; there's an awful lot I didn't pick up on as a kid. In specific, there was totally a South Park reference where a student, Kenny, is killed first among the group and it is said seconds after his death scene "oh my God, they killed Kenny!" I wasn't watching South Park then and never would've got it. I also, appreciate the little made up movie title's through out the episode. For all I knew, these were real films... they totally weren't. I'd say that's enough potential spoiler content; onto the comic!

I'll start with the contents: a couple of goodies in here including a pack of skulls and bones Sweet Tarts candies, a little card featuring artwork of the creepy janitor, a beautiful episode title sticker, a sticky slapper like the ones you got from the 25c candy machines and of course, the comic!

Right away, the cover is giving me this Creepshow comic vibe which is fitting; it's very moody and colorful. The depiction of the skeleton killer on the front is beautiful. I love how the colors pop. Upon opening the back of the mylar cover, it's taped together with this dope sticker which features the words in blood "no one gets out alive!" which, if you've watched the show, you'll know that it was written exactly the same way on Mr. Feenys chalk board. You get this amazing shot of the killer holding his mask on the back cover as you slip the book out of the mylar as well.

I won't bother much with the storyline. It's exactly like the show minus a few little details in between to make it flow a little better or faster; I'm sure it couldn't all be jam packed into the comic adaption. The one BIG difference from the book and the show, the book is narrated by the creepy janitor, Bud.

The artwork, which was all done by Jennifer, is beautiful. For me, to stay interested in comics and graphic novels, the artwork has to be good. It's colorful and stays consistent the whole time. I specifically love this shot of the kids silhouettes running through the school halls. I've read books that have decent storylines but end up being ruined by the artwork; this isn't one of those at all. Another cool moment is when the killer peers through the book shelf in the library.

I mentioned earlier that they used made up titles for fake horror movies throughout the episode of the show. Jennifer took it upon herself and included a mock up poster of the "Blood in the Showers" movie that was mentioned. If you go to the website "blood in the showers" dot com, it will take you to the comic website! Genius!

All in all, this was an awesome little read for Halloween which also doubled as an excuse to go back and revisit the episode. This was such a cool idea and I'm hoping it leads to other cool classic 90s shows getting their own comic adaptions. I'm just imagining how amazing it would be to read a Stevil comic or even a Roseanne Halloween comic. The possibilities are endless! If you want more info on where to purchase this book, hit up this link right here or visit Jennifer Ball on Instagram here or the official comic Instagram page here . Thanks for reading and thank you, Jennifer, for sending this our way!