Thank you for joining us for our last installment of Halloween/Fall Junkfood 2021! There are a bunch of great items still out there; unfortunately, I wasn't able to find much more than what I did without paying an arm and a leg on ebay. Specifically the Halloween Ding Dongs, Candy Corn Red Vines, and the Pumpkin Spice Keebler Cookies have been hard for me to find. Not sure why. They're all Walmart items and none of ours close to us seem to have gotten them. But, we DO have a lot of great heavy hitters from this year in this article so let's get to it!


This was another candy among the first I found this season. Found at a random Family Dollar, this beautiful purple, green and black box with a zombified Wally Warhead with his brains all exposed... this is what I live for.

Another typical sour gummy candy with a heavy dusting of sour sugary goodness on top. Think of these as Sour Patch Kids without the "Kids" shape. They're a little harder than a typical gummy candy but still enjoyable. I really love when they get creative with the names of the flavors; "occult orange" sounds like a rip off hardcore band name but I love it!

I'm giving these a 7 out of 10! Not too shabby!


Here's one that I haven't seen many talk about and one of the biggest reasons I felt the need to call this "Halloween/Fall" junk food as to not confuse anyone when I brought up cookies that have close to nothing at all to do with Halloween.

You can almost never go wrong with the already made cookie dough in a tube; it takes most of the crappy parts out of baking and still makes your house smell amazing! We popped these in the oven and forgot all about lighting our apple and pumpkin spice scented candles; they smelled that good! The taste was every bit matched by the smell. As long as you bake them the way I do (a little under so they stay kind of soft after cooling) these things practically melt in your mouth with a warm cinnamon finish. Now... would I prefer an actual cinnamon roll to this? There's just no replacing a good ol' cinnamon roll if I do say so myself.

I'm giving these babies a solid 7 out of 10!


Next, we have something that legit surprised me. On a random grocery store trip, not even looking for Halloween candy as I thought I had seen it all, this legit cotton candy pretending to be spider webs stuck out to me like a sore thumb! How genius and simple?!

I absolutely ADORE this packaging! From the all black bag, the adorable little spiders that look like those stickers your 2nd grade teacher would put all over your spelling tests, the shiny silver webs in the background, the bright red letters over top of that neon green; this thing has it all! I will say, as I opened the bag to take a whiff, it looked like snow and smelled like straight up chemicals. Luckily, they taste like nothing of what they smell. It's sour apple, and it is delicious and light. Not so sweet that you don't want to keep eating; we finished the bag in like 10 seconds.

It HAS to be a 10 out of 10 for me the spider web cotton candy. This stuff slaps, packaging and all!


I won't lie, I was mostly stoked on these when they were first announced and even pinned them as my "big deal" release for the season. But, they kind of let me down a smidge.

Are they good? Yes. Are they cool looking? Also yes. What's the problem? They're all the same flavor. Which isn't a bad thing since they taste good but how cool would it have been to get each monster their own flavor? Of course... with the exception of Count Chocula; I'm not one for chocolate flavored gummies.

Ok. I have my gripes but they ARE Cereal Monster fruit snacks so, in the end, they're still an amazing product! 8 out of 10!


Ok, now THIS might ACTUALLY be my "big deal" release of the season! I was beginning to doubt the closest Aldi store was going to get them but at last min they did. They are exclusive to Aldi and I didn't feel like traveling to the next one.

Aldi is no stranger to kind of.... ripping Oreo cookies off; they did bday cake, red velvet, marshmallow, pumpkin spice and a few others which are basically very Oreo-esqu. These are a pretty clear rip of Oreos "Halloween" cookies which use their typical chocolate cookie with orange centers. These, however, are instantly way cooler for the additional cutout pumpkin faces! How fucking beautiful are these positively adorable pumpkin cookies? I want to tuck them into their own little bed every single night. The box is stupid beautiful; from the jackolantern, to the bats and color scheme... this box of cookies has it going on!

What I'm saying is I'm easily amused and sometimes a fresh take on a simple idea is all it takes to set my Halloween season off. Well done Aldi! 10 out of 10!


Ok, these are by no means new; we have seen Sweetos in other holiday forms but this is the first time that they gave them the Bag of Bones treatment.

If you haven't had them before, they're your typical Cheeto snack without the cheesy goodness and instead a sweet cinnamon dusting. Do I enjoy these more than Cheetos? Well, let's just say I appreciate them for their differences.

8 out of 10. There is ALWAYS something to appreciate about snacks pretending to be bones.


I don't really know if I'd call these a strictly fall item but since it is fall/Halloween, I'm going to go ahead and sneak it in here. I really thought I read somewhere that these new Cinnamon Bun Snickers weren't due until next year but one afternoon looking around Walmart, I found them randomly.

These are relatively mellow and almost barely read as anything different than a regular Snickers but the cinnamon does present itself after a while into chewing; it's there but not super strong which could go either way with people. I personally enjoy them.

I'll will say it would be nice for a more pronounced cinnamon flavor but it works. I'm gonna go 7 out of 10 on these guys.


Not new but I couldn't NOT talk about this positively gorgeous brand spankin' new box art! The former box featured a... well, I'm not 100% sure if it's just a dead Cap'n or a zombie Cap'n. It is cool artwork but it's the same one we got the past like... 50 years!

This year, we get this image of the Cap'n sporting this steampunk get-up which apparently requires him to use glass beakers to house his milk in. I dig it. More Cereals should learn from the Cap'n.

8 out of 10. The cereal is the same, it still turns your milk green... it's OK cereal. But that box is a banger!

That’s all we have this round! Hopefully you found all that you were looking for this year! I had an absolute BLAST with what I did find and I can only imagine how they will try to top next year! Enjoy everything while you still can; they’re already putting Christmas Tree Cakes on the shelves. Until next time, thanks for reading!