
I tend to forget where most of the fun we had during summer came from when we were kids without cellphones and social media. For me personally, it came from being with my friends outside and if there is one word that can sum up a great time during the summer outside with the neighborhood kids it's surely "Larami"... aka the maker of the Super Soaker. In this article, we will be taking a look and plucking the nicest feathers from the Larami Limited Spring "97" catalog!

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I don't know anyone that had this water gun, myself included. I've never even heard of it until I saw one in this catalog. I'm mentioning it not because it's something I have a personal memory with but because of how impressed I am by it. For one, this is "the smallest air pressure XP available." It's legitimately the size of a dollar bill. Something this small with a pump to shoot with air pressure sounds insane to me but surely had to be, at the least,, a little better than the simple squeeze and squirt things that the dollar stores had.

Even so, I can't imagine toting one of these suckers while the rest of the squad has the heavy artillery. Unfortunately, I couldn't find a proper review of this one on youtube or anywhere else for that matter. Even if it sucked, I'm convinced I would've forgotten it was a squirt gun and reimagined it to be a cotton candy cocoon ray gun.

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This is the real deal heavy artillery that I feel everyone associates with Super Soaker; anyone who owned this beast easily over powered the neighborhood 100 to 1. The CPS was touted for being violently powerful and even supposedly knocked out a kids eye (which hasn't been proven to be fact but seriously imagine getting your eye shot out with a Super Soaker... jeez).

So, as you can tell, this thing was pretty controversial due to the power it packed. It dethroned the Super Soaker 300 in 1996 and to this day is still the most powerful Super Soaker ever made. If you want to get your hands on one of these bad boys, look to spend a bit over $200 on eBay.


I'm not the biggest Star Wars fan; not because I dislike it. I've honestly never given it a fair chance. I remember watching the first film (not chronological first film) in first grade when we had sci-fi week for whatever reason and I barely paid attention. That's as far as my Star Wars expertise goes.

My lack of Star Wars knowledge, however, would never keep me from enjoying this. It's battery powered which leads me to believe it makes laser shooting noises of some sort. Would I be shooting Storm Troopers with it? Probabaly not. More likely to be in Dimension X fending off a squad of rock soldiers with the Neutrinos.


Everyone's favorite spud turned into a sprinkler!? Oh, how I wish I could have found a commercial for this but, as far as I'm aware, there isn't one. I feel like Mr. Potato Head is a highly underrated toy but, for some reason, he always caught my eye ever since pre school when I was first introduced and even more so once he became a prime character in Toy Story.

So, you attach a hose to him; flip the arm down and he shoots water from the base, flip the arm up and the sprinklers in the cap spout. It's like a less violent Crazy Daisy as Mr. Potato Head seems to be stationary and without any flailing attachments. Maybe it's just me, but I'm amazed that at some point someone saw Potato Head and decided it would make an awesome sprinkler toy. They just don't make em like they use to.

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Summer doesn't have to be all water guns and sprinklers and Larami was no stranger to other outdoor activities. Take this sweet Nerf pitching machine, for instance! This thing is loaded; you can set the speed, angle, and whether it's a fast or curve ball.

I'm not much for sports, never have been, and I can already tell you if I had this thing it wouldn't have been used for sports at all. Speaking of Toy Story above, this kinda reminds me of Zergs ion blaster. See where I'm going with this? Think of all the possibilities. At the very least, say I do use it for sports... it would undoubtedly be a reenactment of Super Baseball 2020 for the SNES. Baseball just seems a lot cooler to me in the theoretical cyber punk future.


Boy, do I remember the Ricochet! My older brother was constantly receiving remote control cars for birthdays, Christmas and basically anything you could receive a gift for. When he was done with them or grew out of them, naturally, I'd become the owner and I remember hoping like hell he'd eventually get the XRC Ricochet. He didn't, unfortunately.

I remember seeing the commercial for the first time (which you can see above) and imaging how cool it might be to have an RC car that you didn't have to constantly flip back over yourself after launching it a couple feet in the air or off the porch or whatever. This thing drives on both sides! "Now that it's loose, the RC world will never be the same"... I totally bought all into that and my 8 year old self will always be jealous of anyone who owned Ricochet.

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Well, if you thought Super Soaker Mr Potato Head was weird, you'll just love Super Soaker Twister. They totally went there. "It's twister for those hot and crazy summertime days." More like "it's Twister for people who want to sweat on other people and also get..." no actually that sentence is sounding way to sexual to finish.

I can already tell I would've hated this game. 1. I barely knew left from right as a kid. I specifically remember playing Twister in preschool and being so embarrassed because I had no sense of left and right thus being the shittiest contestant for Twister. 2. Being this close to other human beings on hot summer days while getting squirted by water 100% doesn't seem like my vibe at all. But, for the sake of showcasing something you don't see every day, we'll leave it here.

That's all we got for now, folks! Thanks for reading my poorly thought out words about Larami items in the Limited Spring 97 catalog. Now, head to the nearest ice cream shop!