Summer Memories with Optimus Grime


It's hot out, the air conditioner never sleeps and everyone is miserable. This could mean only one thing; the summer season is in full swing! And, with that, we bring you our first installment of Summer Memories! In these few short paragraphs, we venture into items or activities that, for us, either embody the summer season or help remind us of our own experiences from summers long gone.


1992 Playmates Sewer Spitting Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Line

First up, the complete Sewer Spitting TMNT action figure line by Playmates from 1992! We have Lifeguard Leo, Spike 'n Volley Don, Sewer-Cyclin' Raph, and Beachcombin' Mike! These were a little different from the typical TMNT figure, as they each had a pouch on their backs that you could fill with water. When the pouch is squeezed, the water spits out through a hole in the mouth. I was, and still am a huge turtle fan and out of all the TMNT figures I've owned, I can tell you for a fact, this particular line was re-purchased at least three times. Playing with these guys outside in turtle shaped sand boxes and plastic kiddie pools, between the small accessories and being a hyperactive child, these things were doomed for catastrophe. I specifically remember finding Mikeys arm in the yard and wishing I could find the rest of the pieces. But seriously, look at the attire and those amazingly bright colored accessories! Who wouldn't want to buy these multiple times? I've included pictures of their "Vital Spitistic" cards from the card backs for your reading pleasure!


1994 Larami Super Soaker 60

While on the subject of things that shoot water, what better way to beat the heat than an old fashion squirt gun battle with the Larami Super Soaker 60 from 1994! Super Soaker was the pinnacle of water guns in the 90s! If you had one, you were considered dangerous among all water gun warriors in your neighborhood. These smaller ones weren't as powerful as some of the bigger models such as the Super Soaker CPS 2000 MK1 (which had reported injuries such as stinging skin and bruising from those unlucky enough to had been blasted by one) but it still could take out anyone using a dollar store squirt gun with no problem. Not owning one myself as a kid, I've witnessed some of the most epic and humiliating one sided water gun battles of all time. I can vaguely remember one neighbor kid having a backpack that holstered 2 refill tanks for his Super Soaker (as if I needed another reason to have even less advantage)! Luckily, most of the neighborhood kids had multiple Super Soakers and were always open to helping out someone a little less locked and loaded. You can still find these, as well as other models of Super Soakers, on Ebay. I found this one at a local Goodwill. It's, unfortunately, not the cool green and purple version and is missing the badass Super Soaker label, but it still works which is half the battle of finding anything cool at a Goodwill.


Sharkleberry Fin Kool-Aid

A summer without something sweet and fruity to sip on is a summer that absolutely nobody has time for! And not just anything sweet and fruity, but none other than Sharkleberry Fin! When Kool-Aid was in, what I consider, peak flavor making mode they had a slew of different mascots in the mix and Sharkleberry Fin is a prime example! Realistically, all Kool-Aid flavors would work in this scenario. A wise man once said "All Kool-Aid is good, it's just that some are better than others" and I couldn't agree more! Kool-Aid, in general, was a main staple in my home as a kid, however, I chose Sharkleberry Fin for the soul reason that you can still to this day find it in Walmart stores in different forms (packets, jammers and those plastic containers that Tang comes in)! As far as I know, it's the only mascot flavor that Kool-Aid ever released in Jammers form. The updated artwork isn't too far off from the original; a few minor tweaks, mainly a little less hand drawn looking, Sharkleberry isn't pink and is wearing what I believe to be goggles instead of shades. The taste, for anyone who hasn't tried this before, might sound off putting (or maybe it's just me having something against artificial banana) but damn it, does it work (so well that I'm positive if I'm the only person buying Sharkleberry Fin Jammers in this area, that they will still make bank off sales).


1989 "Spot" 7 Up Water Bottle

We made some Kool-Aid; now we need something to contain our bright colored sugary beverage. So, we'll put it in this 7 Up water bottle from 1989 featuring, the one and only, Spot! To be honest, Spot does not ring any summer bells for me. In fact, I have the complete opposite feeling towards him and more so link him to strong winter and Christmas vibes due to a few old amazing 7 Up commercials. It wasn't until I was able to play Cool Spot the video game for the Super Nintendo, which starts on a beach, that I saw him in more of a summer light. What's on the water bottle is a little less important than the water bottle itself. If you're anything like me, getting out and about in the summer season is sort of a chore but, apparently, it's good to get out once in a while (something about vitamin D). Staying hydrated is also not a bad idea whether you're taking a walk, kayaking, or sitting at a backyard campfire.

If you're still reading, thank you for taking the time out of your day to check out my rambling about random summer junk! We're happy to have you! If you enjoyed hearing about water toys disguised as Ninja Turtles, Super Soakers and Kool-Aid there is plenty more to come!