Froot Loops White Chocolate Easter Bunny!


Apparently, I missed the memo stating that 2020 is the year of the Froot Loop. We had Pop Tarts, there are some pictures of Froot Loop Peeps floating around (I just gagged a little) and out of absolutely nowhere, Big Lots surprises us with some early Easter candy from Frankford; a White Chocolate flavored bunny with  Froot Loop pieces in the mix. I'll be honest, I fucking hate white chocolate. You can hate me all you want but it's always been one of those things I never understood and kinda turned me into a judgy snack bitch. For real, I usually don't even need to think twice when I see white chocolate; it's always  "no." And, it's not that it tastes bad to me, it's just extremely underwhelming, but this..... this can work.


    The Packaging is okay; nothing real fancy. But, again like the Pop Tarts, what more is needed with Toucan Sam on the front of the box? NOTHING! At first glance, the cereal pieces don't really seem like they're going to amount to much in flavor judging by the front of the bunny. It looks like there is mainly just cereal dust mixed in like they had a bunch just sitting around in the factory and didn't know what to do with it all. And then BAM! Once you open one of these things, there is a fucking hidden cereal rave party on the other side! *un tis un tis un tis*

froot loop gif.gif

    As I said before, I really don't care for white chocolate much but, damn, does this work. The cereal pieces, which for the most part taste mainly of lemon like classic Froot Loops do, match so well with the white chocolate. It's like a less crunchy fruity white chocolate version of a Nestle Crunch bar. There is enough crunch to add some texture but also not so much that it becomes obnoxious and overbearing. The flavor from the cereal, unlike the Pop Tarts which was super sweet and very up in your face, is very light and balanced and compliments the white chocolate quite nicely.

    In conclusion, leave it to fruity cereal to make just about anything that tastes boring taste a lot better. As mentioned before, these are at Big Lots stores and you can snag one right now for a whopping $1! After that, you can look at patio furniture. Thanks for reading!