Check Out This Game Boy Watch!

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Being glued to the screen of my cell phone for more than half of each day of my life, I kinda forgot that watches are still a thing. Do people wear them still? I don't mean fit-bits. I'm talking about those pieces that don't have the ability to tell you you're heart rate, the weather, how many steps you took and when your next shit will be. We're going way back.


Anyways, back in 1992, Nintendo and Prima Merchandising released the officially licensed Nintendo Gameboy Watch (or "WATCH BOY" as they have it). If you missed out (I know I did), in 2018 Nintendo, with Paladone Products LTD, released a new batch of the Gameboy watch! I'm late to the game but better late than never! I wasn't aware this happened until now and, luckily, I accidentally found one cheap in the clearance aisle for $8 at TJMaxx.


We'll start with the look in comparison to the old model. As far as I can tell, aside from the shape and lighter wrist band color and minor details to the face of the watch, they seem to be relatively identical. Admittedly, I think I dig the aesthetic of the newer one more but the packaging is easily cooler with the retro one. Nonetheless, I appreciate them both for their differences. This newer packaging has that retro feel to it, similar to basically any 80s/90s vector image you could find online. Another note, I'm just noticing now that this newer model has that classic shit yellow/green screen color that the original Gameboys rocked where as the older model (as far as I can tell) looks grey. It's a nice, simple and effective touch in my opinion.

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On to the directions. I'm the type of guy who doesn't use the directions then gets pissed because I can't figure the item out on my own and then goes to read the directions. Don't be me, just read the directions. So, to set the time, you hold the "B" button in until the time starts to flash. Continue to hit "B" until you get to the numbers you need to change and use the directional pad left to toggle through to set the time, date and day of the week. It does have a seconds counter, so now you can be that annoying guy standing at the clock out line at work who tells everyone the exact second the bell is going to ring at the end of the work day before it happens (please don't be that guy, he's weird). If you press just the direction pad, the screen lights up momentarily for all your telling time in the dark needs (in case you're too lazy to pull your phone out of your pocket... or it's dead... charge your phone, you dingus!). You can also set an alarm on this bad boy by pressing and holding the "A" button in until it flashes. And the best part of all, the alarm is the theme music from Super Mario Land for the Gameboy!! 


In conclusion, I don't wear watches because I have a phone and don't really have the need for one, but it's nice to know that if I ever did want to sport one that Nintendo has me covered! I think it'd be cool if it made more Nintendo-esque noises while toggling through the time options or perhaps it made a noise when you make the screen light up but, this is okay! It's, overall, a nice piece and I'm happy to have it collect dust with all the other things I own that also collect dust together. Would you wear this beautiful Gameboy Watch? Let us know in the comments! Thanks for reading!