

Just like Halloween and Christmas, summer comes with all sorts of amazing beachy and summery themed limited edition junkfood to stuff our gullets with. And, in this series of articles, we're going to take a look at some of the best offerings. Keep in mind, we're hoomans with jobs and lives (sorta) and it's not always easy to get a hold of every single item released during the season unless we feel like paying boocoo bucks on eBay for said items (we don't, usually). So, without further ado, onto the loot!



First up, we got some sweet new Kool-Aid! Last years summer seasonal flavor was Summer Blast Kool-Aid which came as Boomin Berry in a pouch and Tropical Punch in the bulk powder container. This year, we have the ever so clever Pool-Aid which is “Berry Splash.”


Starting with the packaging and box art. The front features the Kool-Aid man (as per usual) riding a wave on a surf board busting through what appears to be a wall of ice while simultaneously punching a beach ball. The lettering for “Pool-Aid" is this wavy font playing up on that swimming pool imagery. The back; what’s cooler than cool? Cut out shades of course! Cut these shades out and assemble them as you please with beachy and fruity ornaments to be the coolest mother fucker on the block with absolutely no eye sight. The pouches also sport that same art as the box cover.


Flavor: judging by the cover of the pouch one would assume it would be without a doubt blue raspberry. I do get a slight blue raspberry but it’s almost a little closer to a less intense liquid blueberry candy cane. It’s Kool-Aid, so of course it’s delicious but it's not game changing. The drink is also blue as fuck and does indeed change the color of your tongue drastically which could be a positive or a negative depending on who you are (it’s a positive for me, of course).

Score: 6/10



There are some things you can almost immediately assume you're going to dislike by first glance; enter Lemonade Stand Twinkies.

Judging by the box, one would assume these would be pink lemonade flavored which one would also assume is at least a little on the sour side making these sound nasty as fuck. However, the box only states "lemon creamy filling." So, only one way to find out.


Turns out, I'm completely wrong and actually love these things! As the cover says, it's simply lemon flavored. Not sour like a lemonade or pink lemonade might be. It's very mellow and works oh so well with the soft twinkie... wtf, Twinkies? I expected to throw up and you gave me amazing lemon cakes of heaven? Jeez.

Score: 8.5/10



KitKat has been throwing down all the flavors in recent years. I can't remember what came first but I remember pumpkin pie, then the raspberry valentines ones... last year we had bday cake, apple pie and, of course, the great Witchs Brew which tasted like marshmallows and looked like glow in the dark paint. Now, we have Key Lime Pie. I'll admit, key lime isn't a flavor I typically throw myself at, let alone a KitKat disguised as the pie version but seeing that green wrapper.... I had to try it.


These might be one of the best key lime pie flavored things out there. The flavor is light and mixes really nice with that white chocolate creme. Plus, I had them in the sun for a quick sec and they softened up really nice making an interesting texture.

Score: Another 8.5 out of 10. I know I'm being generous but it truly caught me off guard. I hate to admit it but, I think I'd buy these again!



Let's get this straight; it's hot and popsicles are certainly a must for every freezer in the Summer. Popsicles are a great way to cool down but not really the best for rehydration. Enter Power Ade. These babies are packed with B vitamins and 4 electrolytes lost in sweat.


The packaging was a little misleading; I assumed these would be a lot bigger but they're the said of a typical popsicle. Flavor wise, Fruit Punch is your typical red popsicle but watered down. That Mountain Berry Blast though (the real winner) tastes like something I would mix vodka with. It's not like a blue raspberry popsicle as I anticipated; it's got a Berry flavor for sure but it's almost a little more on the beachy tropical side. I could easily down 5 of these while mowing the lawn on a hot day.

Score: 7/10

I hope you enjoyed part 1 of Summer Snacks 2021! There will ABSOLUTELY be more soon, I swear! The thing is, it's only just barely June and a lot of items aren't on shelves yet, so stay tuned and, as always, thanks for reading!