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I'm not typically one to wait for the seasons to arrive before celebrating them. Yeah, it's the beginning of June and summer isn’t technically here until half way through... but if Walmart can’t wait another week to set up full displays of flamingo, pineapple and palm tree themed bullshit on shelves then why should we have to wait to talk about it? Besides, like usual, summer will be here and gone in the blink of an eye before we're back to that white shit that seems to stick around the other 85% of the year. What I'm trying to say is, we should take advantage of these warmer days while we have them and what better way to take advantage of them than to kick off the 2nd annual Summer Survival Guide!?

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That's right! Starting off early, compared to last year's kickoff in the first week of July, we at DemBoys will be taking a deep dive into what we enjoy most about the warmer months (which isn’t a whole lot but there are things for sure, you‘ll see). From flea market dives to old summer items and memories, nothing is out of the question. You can start out here with Summer Snacks 2021 Part 1 and view new seasonal junkfood offerings for summer 2021!


We’ve been hard at work at the DemBoys headquarters and we think that you will be stoked to learn that you can also expect to see (or hear, rather) a few episodes from our BRAND STINKIN’ NEW DEMBOYS PODCAST! The idea is to hit at the least an episode a month, but if we get 2 episodes that'd be sick also. Starting off, we will keep it appropriately seasonal for the first few keeping up with the 2021 Summer Survival Guide. So, for the next couple months expect summer themed episodes!

While we understand Summer isn’t everyone’s favorite time of year (and usually quite the opposite), there are still fun things going on out there just like any other time of year. And that’s what the survival guide is all about; making the best of the situation no matter how hot it is, how many hornets there are or how many times you have to fix your stupid lawn mower after hitting that stump in the backyard. And, hey, even if you aren’t physically enjoying the goings on, worse come to worse... you can always chill in front of the gently humming, busted-ass air conditioner and vicariously live it through our words. We got you, fam.

As always, thanks for reading and stay tuned for more!