Frosted Confetti Pop-Tart Bites Review!


Once you pop, the fun don't..... wait a minute... wrong product. Although, that phrase is seemingly fit for the direction Pop Tarts has been taking their products lately... which is bite size portable snack pieces in convenient little bags to feed your food hole on the go. I swear, just a few years back I was saying how great it would be to have a less awkward way to indulge in Pop Tarts in a public setting and I'm here for it! I mean, it's not as bad as trying to eat a bowl of cereal while you drive but it's also not much better.

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I've managed to avoid buying these little fuckers all the way up until they lured me in with their Confetti Cake flavored bites. Birthday cake flavored things, to me, is like pumpkin spice for basic bitches during the fall and I'm trying to get basic bitch wasted on some birthday cake flavored anything/everything all day/everyday.

I noticed on the front of the individual bags they have a picture of the bites along with the words "actual size." They're a bit bigger than what is pictured to be completely honest. What's weird to me is these don't really say "Pop Tart" but, I still fucking love them! They're, dare I say, better than just a normal Pop Tart? 

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The crust and filling parts are softer and continue to soften and melt as you chew. That icing, though.... it has this interesting crunch to it that goes so well with the soft texture. As for the flavor, it's a nice sweet vanilla and the texture makes the "cake" aspect pretty believable. As far as I can tell, it's about the same flavor as the Confetti Cupcake Pop Tarts which I also enjoy on a basic bitch and pumpkin spice in fall level.


I rate Confetti Cake Pop Tart Bites 8.5 out of 10 basic bitches (so be careful, there is half a basic bitch out there somewhere wiggling around looking for her other basic bitch half). I found these at Walmart by the box full and I'm not sure if they're out in individual bag form yet. No need to rush to find them, they're not limited and seem to be staying with us for a bit. Thanks for reading!