We Ate SEVEN YEAR OLD Jurassic World Peeps!

We Ate SEVEN YEAR OLD Jurassic World Peeps!

Derek Laganelli

“The boy ain’t right”

-Hank Hill

That King of the Hill quote is all that has been echoing throughout my brain lately. I’m sure my favorite cartoon Dad would have disapproved of me buying Jurassic World themed Peeps way back in 2015, probably suggesting a Slim Jim or some other dried meat snack. I’m positive that he wouldn’t appreciate me stashing said Peeps away in a drawer for seven years. I know deep in my heart that he would have disowned me if he knew that I ATE those expired marshmallows. And yet, like Bobby Hill, I still march to the beat of my own drum.

When I bought these Peeps back in 2015, was I planning on letting them sit in a drawer for so long? No, I can’t say I had any sort of long term plan in mind for them. I mainly bought them because I was in a Jurassic World frenzy, buying up anything and everything branded with dinos. The truth is I really don’t care for Peeps at all, but there was ZERO chance I was passing on a dino egg shaped marshmallow with the iconic Jurassic Park logo printed on it in edible blue ink!

Once I had them in hand I realized “oh crap, I guess I actually have to eat these now” and then I just…didn’t. They sat and they sat, and then they expired. But for some reason (maybe some hoarder tendency) I decided to hold on to them because they were so cool. Well, with the release of Jurassic World: Dominion, I figured I needed to do something BIG to celebrate. Naturally, that meant cracking open expired marshmallows and taking a bite on camera for all of you lovely people reading this.

So, what did they taste like? Blue Raspberry! No seriously, despite being six years out of date, these still managed to hold up pretty well in the texture and flavor department…at first. After about 10 minutes of sitting on the tongue, that blue raspberry flavor started getting real funky. So much so that I had to go and brush my teeth to kill the flavor. That being said, it could have gone a LOT worse! And no, I didn’t end up getting sick.

Just a quick reminder before I wrap this up that if you liked watching me eat old junk, you’re probably going to love our podcast, Leftover Pizza. We recently did a show all about old Jurassic Park things we love, so please check it out!