Let's Talk About Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Hostess Pies
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Hostess Pies Discussion!
Derek Laganelli
Though they were only around for a 20 week period in 1991, TMNT Pies from Hostess have an absolutely bonkers cult following these days! If you don’t believe me, just take a look at the work our buddy Mike from @ninjaturtlepies has been doing to preserve the history and legacy of these long since retired snacks.

Just a sample of some of the pieces that Mike has been able to photograph & preserve for us to enjoy!
We were lucky enough to be able to sit down with Mike and discuss the Turtle Pies at length. If you have the time or the interest, you can watch the live show below!
Of course if you’re lacking for time like we are these days, you can always LISTEN to our discussion on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, or basically anywhere else you may get your podcasts from. Once again, a huge shout out and thank you to Mike, and a quick plug for his website where you may be able to snag some fun TMNT Pie related items from time to time!

We just had to link this photo that Matt from Dinosaur Dracula drew on his old site because…well, it was too good not to share. (Oh yeah, while you’re at it, check out Nutty & Nostalgic to try and score a jar of "‘Cowabunga Pies’ for yourself!)