Coca-Cola Byte Taste Test!

Coca-Cola Byte Taste Test!

Derek Laganelli

The day has finally come people! First it was Virtual Reality…but now? Now we can TASTE. PIXELS. Thanks to Coca-Cola’s new Byte soda from their creations line, we’re able to take our taste buds into the Metaverse. So what exactly does a pixel flavored soda taste like anyways? Well, the TLDR of it is basically a berry-ish spinoff of (the now discontinued) Coke Energy – a highly underrated drink that I’m sure will have its day in the sun 15 years from now.

But wait, there’s more! We spent $22 a case on this stuff, of course we had to get our money’s worth and film a whole review. You can watch out live taste test below or listen to the audio version of it here!

For those of you who don’t plan on watching OR listening…here, have this photo that Grimey took. It’s too good not to share.