Summer Snack 2019 Pt. 2 : Dum Dums Edition


A little nostalgia does a body good. Dum Dums ( have been making people happy for decades. This 1991 commercial highlights some original flavors as well as flavors that have changed over the years.


"Cherry and grape and watermelon, too; creme soda and apple lollipops for you!" Ah, yes, the classic Dum Dums Lollipop commercial from 1991! But, we're not here to talk classic commercials. I bring to you today Limited Edition Dum Dum lollipops! These, unlike the Christmas Edition, are of the summery flavor variety with flavors including: Berry Lemonade, Dragon Fruit, Tropical Freeze, Blueberry Burst, Lemon Lime, Pineapple Coconut, Peach Mango and Strawberry Kiwi. I personally feel these deserved their own isolated review as there are 8 flavors all together! As you may noticed, half the flavors are relatively normal Dum Dum flavors and the other half are not. I'm going to start with the normies first. And it's been years since I've really had any of these so this could be interesting.

Lemon Lime

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Not really my favorite flavor in general, but also not my least favorite either. When there is a freezer full of popsicles, green is not the one I usually go reaching for first. But these aren't too bad. Very reminiscent of Mountain Dew, or at least what I remember Mountain Dew tasting like the last time I had one in the late 90's. I expected up in your face Pinesol, as most lemon lime things I've tried to taste like, but not at all. Very mellow, not sour or tart, just sweet. Not at all like cleaning supplies either.

Pineapple Coconut

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When I think of pineapple coconut I think of Seagram's Pineapple Coconut Rum on a hot summer day, which this does remind me of a lot. A bit more coconut than pineapple but enjoyable. I, personally, enjoy artificial pineapple a lot, so it's sort of a bummer this wasn't a little more pineapple-y.

Peach Mango

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Went into this with the idea that it might taste like Arizona Mucho Mango (the tall beautiful 99c cans). Definitely more on the Peach Ring side of the spectrum of peach/mango candies. Not bad at all! But, I'd rather just have Peach Rings than this if given the choice.

Strawberry Kiwi

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Strawberry kiwi is one of those flavors that's sort of unmistakable and when I think of it, I immediately go to Kool-Aid. This didn't do it for me. Kiwi was pretty unnoticeable. I know that kiwi already tastes quite a bit like strawberries but, meh.... I feel like this tasted more like those strawberry candies that your grandmother always seemed to be hording in her cupboards. Still good, but not quite a winner.

Berry Lemonade

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Now we're in that non normie territory! This looked the most appealing to me when cruising through Walmart and it's a big reason why I made the purchase in the first place. Boy... what a disappointment. To me, these don't taste anything like berry or lemonade. If I was doing a blind taste test, I would instantly say orange Tootsie Pop. Like a watered down version of that. The two flavors seem to clash hard. I'll tell you straight up, I really don't like Tootsie Pops at all... especially the orange ones. Huge bummer. After trying it again, I get a very faint lemon flavor in the mix but it's still not my favorite.

Dragon Fruit

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I've tried actual dragon fruit quite a few times and it really doesn't have much flavor to it. It has some really small notes of sweetness and that's really about it. The texture is more something to enjoy, kind of like a less soft kiwi. I assumed this wouldn't taste like much, perhaps just a little sweetness and nothing more. This tastes like coconut and that's very weird to me. Another miss. Most dragon fruit flavored things don't really taste like dragon fruit, but they also don't really taste like coconut either.

Blueberry Burst

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Aside from Berry Lemonade looking beautiful, these were the real money maker in this bunch. I have a strong liking for anything blue. Blue popsicles, candy canes, slushies... the list goes on. So when I saw blueberry burst, that was a no brainer for me. And these are great! They taste like just about everything else that is blueberry flavored, specifically the blueberry candy canes and those Original Gourmet Lollipops that you always see close to the checkouts at stores like Dollar Tree and Walmart.

Tropical Freeze

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I went into this immediately thinking this will more than likely be another coconut flavor. Wrong! This, I did not expect at all. Extremely reminiscent of blue raspberry flavored Squeeze Pops! And if you don't know what those are, they were these tubes of liquid oozy candy. Basically, a lollipop in liquid form. I'm not sure if they were always through Hubba Bubba, as the earlier designs of the candy didn't say Hubba Bubba on them. Anyways, yes, that is exactly what it taste like to me and I couldn't be more stoked on them!


I rated these in order from 1 to 8; 1 being the worst and 8 being the best.

1 - Berry Lemonade

2 - Dragon Fruit

3 - Pineapple Coconut

4 - Lemon Lime

5 - Strawberry Kiwi

6 - Peach Mango

7 - Blueberry Burst

8 - Tropical Freeze

Final Thoughts

I really enjoyed most of these however, if I could get my hands on a bag of just Blueberry Burst and Tropical Freeze I'd definitely buy the shit out of them. At least now, with all the wrappers, I might be able to get that Dum Dum Drum Man plush toy at I hope you enjoyed reading about summery Limited Edition Dum Dums!