I don't know what's weirder; being excited about finally having blue balls or the fact that I'll be putting them in my mouth.... Anyhow, Herr's (who usually makes Cheese Balls) has made one interesting snack; blue cotton candy flavored balls!


    While one might find these to be a bit on the weird side of the chips, pretzels and "bag of mainly air" category of the snack food chain, I found them to be very interesting. They've been out for a couple years now but I've never found them until recently at a Big Lots! store. 

    These things are fucking BLUE alright. I cant imagine how much food coloring it took to make these but I'm sure we're better off not knowing. While the cheese balls taste a little better matched with the corn meal taste, these aren't as horrible as I assumed they'd be. The smell is very potent upon opening the container but the flavor is quite light and spot on. Its unmistakably cotton candy flavored. While I do wish they were more like the texture and flavor of cotton candy Cap'n Crunch, I find myself going back for more to find that one that might have a little more flavor. 


    I've had these for a little while now. I didn’t think I'd find myself craving these much but I have indeed randomly snuck them out to crunch on once in a while. They're tasty for lightly sugar and corn flavored blue colored styrofoam textured spheres. They're worth a try from anyone who enjoys cotton candy flavored things, I'd say. If you don't like cotton candy, you're gonna have a bad time. Thanks for reading!