Wendy's might be my favorite burger place and the Baconator might be my favorite sandwich. It's the "Terminator" of bacon cheeseburgers, what's not to love? Astala-feast-a, baby!
Anyways, Pringles went ahead and made not just a cheeseburger flavored chip, they went fully into fast food territory and made a Wendy's Baconator flavored chip! So, one thing is for certain; if these suck, at least the packaging is still beautiful.

Right away opening the lid and peeling back the foil top you're hit with a wave of bacon, spices and possibly a little vinegar. As delicious as it would be to have the authentic flavor of a baconator sandwich in a Pringle, I don't think I get that. I get a slight hint of beef flavoring, a little bacon flavor, maybe some cheese in the mix. I'm assuming they were going for ketchup but I get a strong flavor of vinegar. These taste good but its not quite baconator, in my opinion. And a warning, you'll be burping the flavor up for at least 8 hours after consuming a few of these babies.

After reading a few other reviews, some people are saying they taste like vomit. I definitely don't think that they're that bad. They're still enjoyable, just kind of different than what I'd expect from a Baconator Pringle. I found these at Dollar General but they are also at Target stores! Thanks for reading!