Hostess Limited Edition S'mores Cupcake Review!
I know that we are in August now which, according to most retailers, is basically Halloween territory but bare with me; we still have a few summery food articles left in the tank for ya's until the official ending of the season.

Today, we're checking out the limited edition S'mores Cupcakes from Hostess. These cupcakes are chocolate iced vanilla cake with toasted marshmallow cream filling and come in this summer campy ass packaging that I fell in love with at the very first sight.

To start off, the packaging says "yellow cake" but my eyes see a brown tint to it rather than yellow. I'm told this cake is actually gram cracker flavored. Not sure why it isn't in plain sight on the front where "yellow cake" is but, okay.
At first bite, like all hostess cakes, its incredibly sweet and the chocolate is extremely rich. The chocolate kind of overwhelms the pallet leaving little room for other flavors to shines through. I attempted to try just the filling which claims to be "toasted marshmallow" but it doesn't read as toasted.. hell, if Iām being honest, doesn't have much of a marshmallow flavor at all either. I'm not really sure where they were going with this one at all. The flavors just aren't there.
In conclusion, the cupcakes are delicious but don't go much further than just a regular cream filled chocolate iced cupcake. In one hand, Hostess S'mores cupcakes are sort of a disappointment. In the other, they're still cupcakes and I have one in each hand.... how many bad days start off with "well, I had a cupcake in each hand." Literally none of them! You can find these totally regular chocolate iced cream filled cupcakes pretending to be s'mores cupcakes at Walmart. Thanks for reading!