Today, I learned 3 new useless facts. 1. The creamsicle was invented by an eleven year old boy from Florida in 1905. 2. Contrary to common belief, a Creamsicle is slightly different from a Dreamsicle (one uses vanilla ice cream, the other uses "ice milk"). And 3. There is a special made up day for literally everything. Creamsicles are no exception (August 14..... see?).

Orange Vanilla Cream M&Ms are back after being absent for the entire year in 2019! A truly nostalgic treat, creamsicles earned their place next to other quintessential summer treats such as lemonade and s'mores. Let's see how they hold up in M&M form.
The packaging is a soft, vintage, baby blue; I get a strong retro beachy ice cream truck vibe. Crispy (the orange M), although commonly used on pretzel M&M packaging, is found in the corner distraughtly carrying a half bitten creamsicle. I'm not sure if he's just really confused why he is on the package as well or if he hates creamsicles. Deal with it, Crispy.... they made up a day after these things.
The M's are of the white chocolate variety with natural and artificial flavors. Yup, that's orange creamsicle alright. I will say that some of them are noticeably more vanilla or orange flavored than others but the flavors are definitely there nonetheless. These perfectly encapsulate orange creamsicles to a "T."

What else is there to say? They're delicious and taste exactly like what they're suppose to. I recommend Orange Vanilla Cream M&Ms to anyone who either daydreams of being able to put a creamsicle in their pocket or to people with exceptionally cold sensitive teeth. Or, I guess, to anyone who just really likes orange creamsicles. These are a Dollar General exclusive so don't go to Walmart or Target or anywhere else. You won't find them there. Thanks for reading!