Apple Pie Kit Kat Bar Review!
If last month’s Birthday Cake Kit Kats weren't enough, you'll love what's in store for July! Brand new limited edition Apple Pie flavored Kit Kats! As Americans, we take pride and qualify things like baseball, hotdogs, fireworks, s'mores, cheeseburgers and cheap beer in red solo cups as patriotic; apple pie (as far as I can tell) is no exception to the rule.

These Kit Kats come in apple pie flavored white crème. I can smell the cinnamon and appley notes as I open the packaging; the white crème dawns a brown speckled texture. I have to admit, the flavor is perfectly balanced! A nice warm apple, a little cinnamon spice and some crème. Dare I say that I enjoy these more than the Birthday Cake ones released earlier? I mean... I'm not going to Jim Leventsein them but damn... these are fucking delicious!

I give Apple Pie Kit Kats a 9 out of 10! Would definitely buy them again and maybe even crush them up and throw them in some vanilla ice cream. These babies should be hitting Wal-Mart stores now near the cash registers and will more than likely be sitting at all other stores similar to the previously released Birthday Cake Kit Kats.