

    Today, we are checking out Halloween Crunch from Cap'n Crunch. This cereal has been out for the past 10 years during the Halloween season, I believe, but I've never had it so here we are! This cereal doesn't seem to say that it's a different flavor or anything. It only promises that the crunchy ghosts will turn the milk green by the end of the bowl. And even if it isn't a hip new flavor, it's a pitch black box with a somewhat grim looking Cap'n crunch appearing out of this foggy green and yellow glow. What's not to love? Let's dig in!

    Right off the bat, my guess was correct; it's typical Cap'n Crunch... which isn't the worst thing. The real fun is the orange ghosts. Now, it took a second before it really had an effect but the ghosts eventually turned speckled green themselves and then came the milk. It's not the most vibrant green color… sort of a pale swampy green, but it is green nonetheless.

    What's more to say about Halloween Crunch? You can put ordinary cereal in a black box, throw "Halloween" on it in big letters and a somewhat gruesome Cap'n with the gimmick of green milk; it's a solid guarantee that I'll go bat shit crazy over it. Thanks for reading!