I don't really know what popcorn and sports have to do with each other but M&Ms decided to make a new flavor of their candies for the occasion so, here I am.... GO SPORTS! Admittedly, I eat popcorn almost every single night before bed so, I may just be the perfect person to judge. These M&Ms are popcorn flavored with a crispy rice center.


 I can smell the popcorn flavor through the packaging. It smells pretty strong, maybe too strong; I'm excited regardless. As I open the bag, the scent of popcorn has completely vanished and turned immediately to milk chocolate M&Ms. That's not even an exaggeration, I don't smell any popcorn flavoring at all now. The crunchyness is good but its not much different from a regular crispy M. I feel like I get a very miniscule hint of butter flavoring in the mix but that's legitimately all I get. How can this be? I assumed this would be an easy flavor to pull off but somehow its a complete miss. It's like they put popcorn air inside the bag and called them “popcorn flavored.”


Needless to say, an awesome idea but not a replacement for the real thing. I'm giving Popcorn flavored M&Ms an unfortunate 3 out of 10. I found these at Sheetz in regular and share size bags. Have you tried these yet? Let us know what you thought in the comments below!