While cruising the aisles at Aldis the other day I found this amazing loaf of pumpkin bread and also an equally amazing spray can of maple whipped cream. I decided to put these things together to form this ultimately delicious and easy fall breakfast that anyone can enjoy this time of year.

What you will need:
- Simply Nature Pumpkin Spice Bread
- Friendly Farms Maple Vanilla Whipped Dairy Topping
- Eggs
- Milk (I used almond milk because of the lack toes and toddler ants)
- Ground Cinnamon
- Vanilla Extract
- Maple Syrup
- Salt
Back to this bread. This shit is amazing. You can smell the pumpkin right through the bag. It has this crystallized candied pumpkin goodness on the outside. It's heavenly. So, naturally, it should make a fine French Toast. Leave how ever many pieces you're going to put in your food portal out overnight to harden up a bit. Skio this step if you're not into it.

You all know how to make French Toast by now I'm assuming. Mix a couple eggs in with a bit of milk, cinnamon and vanilla extract for the liquid, add a pinch of salt. All that good stuff. Then dunk your bread in for a few seconds and throw on the heated pan.

After the bread is done toasting, plate it up,, throw on a nice dollop of the Maple Vanilla whipped cream and top all of this with maple syrup. Take it a step forward and dust with either powdered sugar, cinnamon or pumpkin pie spice.

I promise you this will be one of the best fucking breakfasts you will ever consume this season. Perfect for a cold rainy Saturday morning in. As always, thanks for reading!