Ok, So When Are We Getting Wayne's World 3?
Let’s Cut The Crap And Admit That We Need Wayne’s World 3 Already
Derek Laganelli
If Bill & Ted can have an excellent trilogy, there’s no reason that Wayne & Garth can’t too.
Yes, I did just see the 2021 Uber Eats Super Bowl commercial, and yes, that commercial alone has convinced me that world desperately needs a new Mike Myers film.
Much like the previously mentioned Bill & Ted, I think there’s quite a bit you could do with a middle aged Wayne’s World movie, and this commercial proves just that. I know it’s only a minute long, but the guys simply haven’t missed a beat. The jokes land and translate well into a new era. That TikTok joke could have been absolutely CRINGE, but in true Wayne’s World fashion, the satire sticks the landing.
I should mention that this isn’t the first time we’ve seen the guys since ‘93s Wayne’s World 2 - they actually reprised the roles back in 2015 for SNL’s 40th anniversary bash.
I know asking for a third movie is a lot. Mike Myers has been “semi-retired” since 2012, and I understand why. His absolutely brilliant and criminally underrated stint as Tommy Maitland on the reboot of The Gong Show was a hard sell for general audiences. There just isn’t as much demand for a guy in heavy prosthetics doing weird accents as there used to be. But I say, let’s go out with a bang while we still can.